Navigating IBD & Pregnancy: Difficulty deciphering aches and pains

Pregnancy is a magical miracle. You witness the creation of life within yourself and see your body transform in ways you never knew possible. When you live with a chronic illness like Crohn’s disease and experience a pregnancy, there are added layers. A layer of worry. A layer of concern. A layer of wonder. When … Continue reading Navigating IBD & Pregnancy: Difficulty deciphering aches and pains

Fearing the flare: Post-pregnancy worries for those with Crohn’s

Since before I found out I was pregnant in July I’ve heard that while pregnancy can be the best “medicine” for Crohn’s disease and many autoimmune diseases, it’s after the baby is here when problems are more apt to strike. At more than 39 weeks pregnant—what once felt like a worry for the future is … Continue reading Fearing the flare: Post-pregnancy worries for those with Crohn’s